Friday, February 09, 2007

God bless you - the letter from a missionary who serve in Africa

Dear Eugene:

Warm greetings from South Africa!

It is wonderful to hear that you are interested in cross-cultural mission, instead of reaching out overseas Chinese. There are many missionaries from Taiwan who are involved in overseas Chinese. We are short of people to serve real cross-culturally. But of course, it is much more challenging, yet exciting!

If you would like to do theological training, you may need to major your ThM in OT or NT or Systematic Theology, something which African theological school teacher will not major because it is more difficult. There are more and more trained African theologians, but most of them are major in Christian Education, Counseling, Mission, etc, anyway easier subjects. So, take a difficult one and study hard, because you will be needed in many theological colleges in Africa.

Anyway, what do they really need, it is discipleship. But they will not ask you to come and teach discipleship, because it is not a real "subject". Yet, when you are a teacher there, then you can build up relationship and do your discipleship with students and Eva and help students' wives. They need life example of how to live out the truth, how to connect the faith and daily life. In West Africa especially, they need to learn to carry their cross and follow Jesus instead of following prosperity gospel. Many pastors here live a life like pagans, without moral standard.

It is good to have English tutor to come to your house. He/ she should give you homework as well. Anyway, he should make you "work hard" in your English, especially listening and speaking. By the way, is he/ she an English speaking person? It is important that English is the first language of your tutor.

As regards to the cost, it is the chance to experience God's provision. God will take care of those who serve Him. :-) It is our faith muscle which needs to be stretched. When we are all self-sufficient, how will we depend on God? God is pleased when we trust him and depend on him.

OK. God bless you.


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